Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going Sobre!

Lent is upon us and somehow fasting entirely seems rather difficult.  So things i like:
  • Chocolate (its been done before, not really that hard despite the amount i eat!)
  • Engineering (Now that is just silly)
  • TV (But formula 1 starts half way through!!!)
  • Bread (hmm no , dad's doing that)
  • Meat (i would probably be left with plain pasta and rice, vegetables are rare in my cupboard)
  • Bike rides (my only exercise?)
So many difficulties, let's ask the Kids at BB what they're giving up.
  • Reading
  • Homework
  • Math
Hmm, i don't think they quite got the point there!  An hour later with games and discussions with them and we came up with a plan:  They would give up being bad (hahahha), alright well they'd try to be good, if they saw a kid on the playground alone they'd go and play with them or they would tell teacher if someone was being picked on.  You get the picture, trying to be nice.  However i don't really see that passing for me.  That all sorta comes under the being a christian thing.  Something more challenging...

I'll think about it over a pint...  Ah...  hmmm... not sure.

Me and my friends go drinking maybe twice a week or so depending on which sports are currently running, i.e. F1, Rugby and several others.  We also play a lot of pool and a bit of snooker, all drinking sort of activities.

Well it would prove a point, and drunkards are frowned upon heavily in that big ole book.  OK, can't be that hard!

It may be harder then i first thought!  My course friends are Atheists and are the main people i hang out with, they understand I'm a Christian but this sorta pushed the bar.  They weren't fond of my reasons and put me to the test.  For the last 2 weeks I've been oh so tempted for a wee drop of Cider, whisky, Beer, anything!  But no.  Sure and steadfast the anchor holds.  I'm by no means an alcoholic but this has turned out to be a real test.  Like helping out a friend the other day, what did i receive but a bottle of White Wine.  From a church friend no less.  Yes, God definitely has a sense of humour.

Worst of all, the other day my Grandma passed away.  Some things just knock you down.  Quick as a flash within a night of being in hospital to meeting the big man.  Last time someone i knew died, a friend, i hit all the whisky and bourbon i could find in our local and wished the night away.  That's just how I'd come to deal with things.  I don't know quite if I'd do the same this time if i wasn't on lent.  I must say i still sat and played the blues for a time.  Music heals the soul.  But the first thing i did, I've never done before, was turn to that book on my side table.  The Bible helps you out from time to time, Mathew 5:4 opened and it ricocheted round my mind.  At that point i had God sitting at my side.  I went to the Pub that night.  However nothing but a pint of coke passed my lips.

I have no idea why bad things happen, but when they do your strength is only as strong as your Faith!

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