Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blind stumbling


A game to test the communication and creativity of your group.

  • Some chairs
  • Poles
  • Cones
  • Anything that can safely be used as an obstacle for someone blindly stumbling.

boy blindfolded running
  1. Split the group into 2 different rooms with an assortment of the above equipment in each.
  2. Let the groups create a course   of obstacles that can be followed by a blindfolded person member  Roughly 6 obstacles should be enough to be entertaining but not take too long.
  3. Get the groups to test it to prove that it's possible,
  4. Send one member at a time to the opposite room blindfolding them before entrance.
  5. On first entry the team who've built the course instruct the member around the course to completion.
  6. Then the member who has just completed the course instructs the next participant / victim!
 For added humour if the group gets bored get the instructors to instruct around fake objects to see how far they can get the participant without them catching on.

Added interest

It can be a good time to talk about what it's like to be blind or have disabilities.  Get the group to consider things that help blind people.  For instance the floors around road crossings with lumps or stripes to alert blind people.  At the same crossings, the crossing sounds etc.   Even the lumps on keyboards and remote controls to allow for you to feel which button you're pressing.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The thankyou

Thankyou for reading this.

I find it incredible how such a simple thing can change your entire point of view.  How everything in the world suddenly becomes OK just by someone saying thankyou for your efforts.

One of the boys I lead endeavours to say thankyou to me at the end of the night.  Well most of the time.  For instance if the programme went badly at the youth group he may just skip the thanks.  However I generally get those words from him that mean more than he can know.  When he doesn't it's a clear indicator that the night did not work and most of the time I've already noticed but his confirmation means it all and only makes me cherish the days I get it right even more.  How would you ever notice the good times if there were no bad times.

It turns out that one of the parents has even noticed the difference by just saying thanks.  I received an extra thanks, partly forced but nonetheless an extra from her son.  Obviously my face betrays my love of such a simple remark to set me at ease, even for a short while.

So my point is simple.

When you receive a thankyou, congratulate yourself on a job well done

When you get something week after week keep saying thanks.  You may not know the difference you're making in that persons life.

Finally, consider your life.  The things you've had, the friends and the moments.  Perhaps It's time to start thanking God for all He's doing in your life.  It means so much to us, how much more does it mean to God who does so much in your life.